Sunday 5 February 2012

Twin Zero

A little while back, the very excellent earthtone9 announced that they reforming to play some shows and put out a record and stuff.

And there was much rejoicing.

Sadly, before they could reform it was necessary for them to split up. This made me very sad, and for a while the world was a bleak and uninviting place. The only slight glimmers of hope came in the form of the various other musical projects that kicked off featuring members of earthtone9; but by and large these could all be filed under the heading "Not earthtone9". It's not that they were particularly bad; it was just hard to listen to stuff that sounded a bit like earthtone9 and not want to be listening to earthtone9 instead.

Twin Zero were the one exception. Even though frontman Karl Middleton's distinctive vocal was an obvious reminder of the earthtone9 glory days, the twin drummer twiddly guitar sprawling space prog of Twin Zero was quite a different proposition.

Twin Zero are apparently still a going concern, although little has been heard of them since the release of the epic The Tomb To Every Hope almost six years ago; and if there's one downside to earthtone9 reforming, it's that it may take even longer for new Twin Zero material to appear.

Website: nope


  1. Hi Ben, I hope they release some new stuff too. I've known Reuben (guitar) for a number of years but I've no idea if they have any future plans. Saw Earthtone9 at Sonisphere a couple of years ago...bloody great! Great blog site, I came across it whilst searching for links to add on my webpage. I make art an' that. Bye. :)

  2. Discovered these guys from a magazine sampler and I am not much into rock or metal too much these days, but find myself going back to "The Tomb to Every Hope" once in awhile and find myself getting lost in it. Would like to see more output.
